The only patented solution to reverse erectile dysfunction with 97% success.


Membership Programs

RegenMax Monthly Maintenance Membership

What does it include?

  • All Hormone pellets
  • All Labst
  • One HEshot® or SHEshot®
  • Two REGENlase™ Treatments

Why is this better?

  • Maintenance is vitally important to keep your results from degenerating.
  • Keeping your hormones balanced and at their optimal level is very important to your overall health and well-being.

How much does it cost?

If you were to buy all of these treatments individually, you would spend $6,500 over a year.

Hormone Monthly Maintenance Membership

What does it include?

  • All Hormone pellets – (3 for men and 4 for women per year)
  • All Labs – (1 main hormone panel, two -5 week follow ups and two end of cycle follow up)

Why is this better?

  • Instead of having to pay big lump sums for services it is budgeted out for you.
  • Keeping your hormones balanced and at their optimal level is very important to your overall health and wellbeing.
  • Convenience, just respond to your text messages confirming your appointment and show up.

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