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What Is Vaginal Atrophy, and How Can It Be Treated?

By: Our Team


Do you experience discomfort, dryness, or pain during intercourse? Vaginal atrophy is a common but often overlooked issue among women. It occurs when the vaginal walls become thinner and less elastic due to a gradual decline in estrogen levels.

Many women feel embarrassed to seek treatment for sexual health problems. However, our professionals at Sexual Wellness Centers of America are here to provide compassionate and effective care in Colleyville and Frisco, TX. Call now to book a vaginal rejuvenation appointment and learn about the state-of-the-art Fotona SP Dynamis Pro laser.

What are the leading causes of vaginal atrophy?

Vaginal atrophy is mainly caused by a drop in estrogen levels. This happens naturally during menopause, but it can also occur when taking birth control pills, undergoing cancer treatments, and breastfeeding. Additionally, women who have undergone surgical removal of their ovaries may experience vaginal atrophy.

Common vaginal atrophy symptoms

Vaginal atrophy symptoms vary from woman to woman, but here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Vaginal itching or burning
  • Painful sex
  • Urinary incontinence or frequent UTIs
  • Thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls
  • Bleeding or spotting after intercourse

If you experience these issues, seek help from a trusted healthcare provider at Sexual Wellness Centers of America in Colleyville or Frisco, TX. Leaving vaginal atrophy untreated can lead to further complications and impact your quality of life.

How is vaginal atrophy treated?

Fortunately, there are effective options available for vaginal atrophy. Our professionals offer an advanced vaginal rejuvenation treatment that can restore the strength, thickness, and elasticity of vaginal walls. The Fotona SP Dynamis Pro laser stimulates tissue regeneration and improves blood flow to the area. It also encourages new collagen production, resulting in improved vaginal health and function.

How does laser treatment work?

Laser treatment for vaginal atrophy can be performed in our office in about 30 minutes. Once you are settled into one of our private treatment areas, we pass the laser handpiece over the exterior labia and vulva before inserting it into the vaginal canal. The process is not considered painful, and a built-in thermometer will ensure the procedure is as comfortable as possible. Patients then receive a short list of post-procedure care instructions before going home.

What are the benefits of laser treatment?

There are many reasons why people choose this treatment for vaginal atrophy symptoms:

  • Minimal downtime: Patients can resume normal activities almost immediately after undergoing vaginal rejuvenation treatment.
  • No anesthesia or incisions: Laser treatment is noninvasive and does not require numbing agents or cutting.
  • Long-lasting results: Since laser procedures stimulate new collagen production, the results are long-lasting and improve over time.
  • Improved sexual health and function: Our state-of-the-art technology alleviates symptoms like dryness and painful sex, leading to a more satisfying sex life.
  • Nonhormonal option: The Fotona SP Dynamis Pro laser is a nonhormonal alternative for women who are unable to take estrogen-based treatments.

Boost your sexual health and wellness

Discomfort, dryness, and painful sex should never be ignored, as they can greatly impact your physical and emotional well-being. At Sexual Wellness Centers of America, our experienced staff is proud to provide personalized solutions for vaginal atrophy. Call now to book a consultation and see how the Fotona SP Dynamis Pro laser can help. Do not let embarrassment hold you back from seeking the care you deserve in Colleyville and Frisco, TX.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.