The only patented solution to reverse erectile dysfunction with 97% success.


How Does Diabetes Affect Erectile Dysfunction?

By: Our Team


At Sexual Wellness Centers of America, we know how difficult it can be to navigate male sexual health concerns like erectile dysfunction (ED). If you're wondering, "Can diabetes cause ED?" the answer is yes — diabetes can damage the blood vessels and nerves that are needed for maintaining an erection. This can lead to issues that impact confidence and quality of life.

Fortunately, advanced ED treatment options are available at our locations in Colleyville and Frisco, TX. Call now to learn about our innovative REGENwave™ therapy. We have helped countless men with diabetes regain their sexual confidence.

Can diabetes cause ED?

Diabetes is a chronic (often lifelong) condition that impacts our ability to regulate blood sugar levels. So, can diabetes cause ED? Yes, it can. Consistently high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels and nerves, which leads to complications like erectile dysfunction symptoms. This is because erections require healthy blood flow to the penis. Without proper circulation, it becomes difficult to achieve and maintain an erection.

How can I prevent or manage ED if I have diabetes?

If you have diabetes, it is important to consult with a medical professional. They will recommend ways to manage your blood sugar levels, including:

  • Eating a well-balanced diet with limited sugar and carbohydrates
  • Consistent exercise to maintain a healthy weight and improve blood flow
  • Taking prescribed medications as directed
  • Monitoring blood sugar levels regularly
  • Reporting any symptoms to your healthcare provider

In addition to managing your diabetes, there are treatments available to address male sexual health concerns such as erectile dysfunction symptoms. Sexual Wellness Centers of America offers a variety of options in Colleyville and Frisco, TX.

What ED treatment options do you offer?

At Sexual Wellness Centers of America, we offer a range of state-of-the-art procedures for ED. For example, REGENwave therapy helps stimulate new blood vessel growth through a process known as neovascularization. It can also boost blood circulation at the same time.

Is ED a lifelong condition if I have diabetes?

ED is not necessarily a lifelong concern if you have diabetes. With proper management of your diabetes and effective treatment options for ED, it is possible to overcome erectile dysfunction symptoms. Our team at Sexual Wellness Centers of America is dedicated to helping you find the best solution possible.

What can I expect during my visit?

During your first appointment, our providers will first conduct an evaluation of your medical history and symptoms. This may include blood tests, exams, and discussions about your lifestyle and medications you are taking. We understand that discussing ED is uncomfortable, but rest assured that we are highly experienced in handling these sensitive topics with care and respect.

Based on your needs, we will then recommend a suitable option moving forward. Our goal is to help you achieve optimal results while also addressing any underlying factors that contribute to ED.

Improve male sexual health with ED treatment

Whether you have diabetes or not, erectile dysfunction can be a major source of frustration. But with the treatments available at Sexual Wellness Centers of America, such as REGENwave therapy, there is hope for improving your overall well-being in Colleyville and Frisco, TX. Call for an appointment and take a step towards regaining your confidence in the bedroom.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.